
Kurdish Facts

Kurdish Facts A Monthly Information Service Issued by International Society Kurdistan – Amsterdam Editors: Silvio van Rooy, Kess Tamboer Download: Vol. IX – No 9 Vol. X – No 1

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The Kurdish Journal

The Kurdish Journal Published by the Kurdish Student Organization in the USA Vol. V, – Nos 1 & 2 March, June 1968 Download: Vol. V, – Nos 1 & 2

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Peshmerga The International Publication of Kurdish Affairs Published by The Kurdistan Democratic Party Downloud: Issue No 18

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The Dilemma of Kurdish Nationalism As A Result of International Treaties and Foreign Occupations Between the Years 1850 to 1930

The Dilemma of Kurdish Nationalism As A Result of International Treaties and Foreign Occupations Between the Years 1850 to 1930 By: Chnor Jaafar Ahmad A thesis submitted to the University of Glasgow College of Arts Graduate School in fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of Master of Philosophy, April 2019 Download: The Dilemma of Kurdish Nationalism

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British Strategy and Oil, 1914-1923

British Strategy and Oil, 1914-1923 By: Martin William Gibson Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, College of Arts, School of Humanities, University of Glasgow. 17 January 2012 Download: British Strategy and Oil

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